June Guidance

Free Monthly Guidance from The Energy Garden

Horoscopes offer some hint as to what is to come based on our birth date. Numerology takes this concept a step forward and offers valid insight on life challenges based on our birth number. It is when we resolve those challenges that we get closer to our true potential. I offer you a bit of this insight here. First, in general terms, and then in more specific terms based on your birth number. A “Numeroscope” if you will.

June is upon us, it is the 6th month. The energy of 6 brings us love. The kind that is nurturing to others. The kind that is of home and family. It’s no surprise then that we talk of June brides and family summer vacations. Six is also the teacher of teachers. Who better to teach us love then our family?

Can you imagine for a moment a place where there was nothing to stop love from coming to you? A place where love flowed from all sources? A place where nothing you said (or didn’t say) and nothing you did (or didn’t do) stopped love from coming to you? I know parents understand this type of love. Mothers especially understand this. My mother recently told me: “There is nothing that my children can do to make me stop loving them. I always worry. I will always worry, worry, worry about them. I cannot stop.” (Thanks mom.) And so I wish for you to find that place, that place of unconditional love, where it is always flowing to you and from you.

Would you like to create more peace, harmony and love with your parents, spouse, children, or siblings? You can. It could start from a simple conversation. Understanding, forgiveness, appreciation, and compassion are all important elements. Things that block unconditional loves truth: assumptions, rigidity, limitations and prejudice. Know that your own intentions will have extra power this month. May this month’s guidance bring you closer to this love energy that you so much deserve.

To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would scroll down to "9" to find the Numeroscope message. For those working the 10, 11 or 12 path, I have added them.

Here is your guidance for the month of June based on your Life Path Number:

           Spend time outdoors with your family and connect to nature. Plant a garden, adopt a pet, go camping or hiking.

2           Open yourself to new beginnings. Dive into something fresh. Spring clean your home. Make space for the new things that you have asked for, for you have been heard.

3            You’ve got the power! You can resolve any situation. You have more abilities that you are aware of right now. Have the courage to speak your truth to the ones closest to you.

4            Heal a parent/daughter relationship. Allow your inner child to play. Give your worries to Heaven.

5            You have an important connection with children. The Universe is trying to relay a message to you regarding them. Pay attention and know that it could be as simple as your own inner child wanting to play.

6             Is there a male in your life or someone’s son that needs you now? If your intuitive feelings are guiding you to this, take action.

            Express yourself. Dance, as if no one is watching. Sing, as if no one can hear. Celebrate your uniqueness. Like-minded people will be attracted to you. As for what others might think of you; it is none of your business.

8             Healing energy surrounds you at this time. You, or someone close to you, have healing abilities that can heal the current situation.                                                                                         

            Are you trying to make a decision? You may not have all the information you need. Trust that the information you need will come to you. Watch, wait, and listen.

10           To manifest your desires simply use positive affirmations. Daily meditation and visualization will be very beneficial.

11             You are concerned about an outcome of a situation. Ceremoniously dispose of your worries, double check your facts, and get some rest. Staying centered in faith at this time. Know and trust that all will work out in a divine way.

12            Let go of old communication habits, they do not serve you. Have you been trying to “keep the peace?” Only say “Yes” to things that bring you joy. Have no guilt for saying “No” to things that do not, for you are a role model. Don’t you want everyone to be happy? It starts with you. 


I will bring you this guidance the 4th Monday of each month for the following month. The next free monthly reading for July will appear Monday, June 23. If you want more information on your Life Path or Numerology send me an email at theenergygarden@outlook.com . I will send a free mini Life Path reading to the first person who sends me a request.  Anyone who makes a donation (heart icon on lower left of each blog page) will receive a free mini reading as well. Just send me an email to confirm the date/time of your donation.      

Mahalo and Happy Summer Lovin'!



May Guidance

Free Monthly Guidance from The Energy Garden

Horoscopes offer some hint as to what is to come based on our birth date. Numerology takes this concept a step forward and offers valid insight on life challenges based on our birth number (Life Path Number). It is when we resolve those challenges that we get closer to our true potential. I offer you a bit of this insight here. First, in general terms, for the month and then in specific terms based on your birth number. A “Numeroscope” if you will.

Let's reflecting on April for a moment. Were you met with any lessons? My guidance (1 path) indicated that I would struggle with a person. Struggle, I did, with myself. That is okay though as it lead to some pretty insightful information on my past, present and future self.  So now,  onto May.

 As school semesters come to an end, outdoor activities begin to increase, and summer vacations draw our attention, it is of no surprise then that May, being the 5th month, carries the energy of change. The five energy offers us new directions, excitement, and adventure. If you embrace change and find it fun, then settle in and enjoy May's energy.  For those of you who dig your heals in when you see a change coming, well you might try looking at change differently so you can enjoy it too .

To calculate your birth number or Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example August 4, 1969 is calculated: 8+4+1+9+6+9 = 37,  3+7 = 10, 1+0=1. This Life Path Number is a 1. (For those working the 29/11 or 48/12 path I recommend reading each of those numbers and pick the one that resonates with you.)

Here is your guidance for the month of May based on your Life Path Number:

1      You are being encouraged to take a leadership role. Know that you are guided and protected so give it your best shot and don't worry about making mistakes.

    Consider switching from doing mundane or tedious activities to doing things that create joy for you.

3      Visualize what you desire with as much detail as you can. Hold those thoughts and replay them often, especially if you are having a bad day. That is how you can achieve your desires.

4      A  rainbow is created amongst clouds. It reminds us light is present in a storm. Use your own light to see the beauty in any of your personal storms.

5       Are you doing too much? Acknowledge your limits, allow time to see how things can unfold without "doing". Feel the natural flow.

6       Resist the temptation to control others. Instead, take care of you. Ask yourself: What do I need now?

7       Taking time to just breath, this is very important now . It will increase your charisma.

8        Fill in this sentience: If I had extra money and more time I would ___________. Now do it and stop pining and whining.

9       Any situation can become clear when using the wisdom of self reflection. In frustrating situations, ask what lesson is there for you.

Have a great month,


April Guidance

Free Monthly Guidance from The Energy Garden

Horoscopes offer some hint as to what is to come based on our birth date. Numerology takes this concept a step forward and offers valid insight on life challenges based on our birth number (Life Path Number). It is when we resolve those challenges that we get closer to our true potential. I offer you a bit of this insight here. First, in general terms, for the month and then in specific terms based on your birth number. A “Numeroscope” if you will.

April is just about upon us. Words like renewal and organization come to mind as Spring draws near.  April also brings with it the numerology of 4 which encompasses a teacher energy. Animal mommas have much to teach their young. We could learn a little about ourselves and our abilities too. Heck, while you’re spring cleaning you just might learn you have too much stuff.  (The reason you feel so good after a spring cleaning project is because all that stuff had been stealing your energy.) Just a heads up, not all lessons are fuzzy little ducklings. Some lessons change the status quo with drama!

April also carries an argumentative energy so set your intentions and try not to argue. When you come to an aggravating situation ask what lesson is in it for you so you can learn from it and move on. If this month brings you questions about your career, volunteer work or leisure pursuits this Numeroscope will guide you. To calculate your birth number or Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example August 4, 1969 is calculated: 8+4+1+9+6+9 = 37,  3+7 = 10, 1+0=1. This Life Path Number is a 1. (For those working the 29/11 or 48/12 path I recommend reading each of those numbers and pick the one that resonates with you.)

Here is your guidance for the month of April based on your Life Path Number:

1              If you are struggling with someone right now, open your mind to look at the situation from the other person’s point of view. Accept that what you want to do is not more important or less important than what others are doing. Thus, a compromise is in order.

2              Open your heart and share your gifts and time with others. Using your good fortune to help those struggling will raise your vibration making you feel better and less alone. Take a friend to lunch, volunteer or help out a neighbor or relative.

3              Trust your feeling to step away from the drama of a situation. Also, trust that the urgency to make a decision is just imagined. You will be guided to make the best choices after analyzing all the information. Ask for guidance three nights in a row.

4              Difficulty juggling all that you do? Follow your heart and only attend to what it really wants. Allow the other stuff fall way. What falls away isn’t important in the long run despite momentary drama surrounding it. You cannot be all things to all people and you are setting yourself up for failure.

5              No short cuts for you. 5’s Life Path is Freedom and Discipline. You need to develop an organized and practical approach to achieve your goals and you are reminded of that this month. Seek out mentors, study, learn and set your goals high. Your message: Mastery in any area only comes from demanding nothing less than the best from yourself.

6               Reconnect with your source. Take time to see the beauty, strength and connectedness in nature so you can see these qualities in the Devine. Contemplate this connection, find comfort and inspiration in it.

7                 Take off the blinders and be willing to see the truth about yourself and others. Are there real problems in your relationships? Ask for guidance. Does the situation needs compromise? To be let go of? Or do serious decisions need to be made to prevent harm?

                Being honest takes courage and integrity. Understand that deception is fear in disguise. Most people lie to protect themselves. Regardless, it can still cause damage.  Trust your vibes when it comes to suspicions. Ask that you be protected from deceit of others and your own temptation to deceive.

             You are entering a period of great abundance. It is a natural outcome of your efforts and commitment to your dreams. What you desire is on its way!


I will bring you this guidance the 4th Monday of each month for the following month. The next free monthly reading for May will appear Monday, April 28. If you would like more information on your Life Path or Numerology send me an email at theenergygarden@outlook.com . I will send a free mini Life Path reading to the first person who sends me a request.  Anyone who makes a donation (click icon located at the bottom of each blog page) will receive a free mini reading as well. Just send me an email to confirm the date/time of your donation.      

Mahalo and Happy Spring!

