What makes your heart sing?


Do you know your heart's desire?

If you already know what type of things you desire, take time to write them down. (Yep, right now!) If you have everything you desire, what does the world look like to you? What does your employment feel like? How do you enjoy your time? What can your body do/feel? THINK BIG, like beyond your wildest dreams. Your true Hearts Desire can be found using Numerology. It is also known as the Soul’s Urge or Motivation number, it describes your soul's purpose for being here.

What is your HD jpeg.JPG

Would you like to know how Numerology defines your Heart's Desire? First let me explain why  I am  asking.  As you may already know, my belief is that the more often we say "yes" to who we are and the present moment the more joy/magic/peace we will create.  I also believe that NOW, at this monumental time in history, with the power of the planets and the Age of Aquarius, knowing our heart's desire is very important.  

I believe very much in the law of attraction. You know ‘birds of a feather’ and such. If you want to create more love, peace and harmony, or even more thoughtful people, it needs to expand off you… which in turn attracts more to it. This is a potent time for such attraction as the eclipses energy will be with us for a least a month. Taking a few moments to cast your heart’s desire. Update: We will also have 6 planets go into retrograde from July to December. Which means we will have additional support releasing all that does not serve us to make room AND to do some deep healing if we need it.

To find your Heart’s Desire, add all the vowels in your full name. Refer to the conversion chart to get a number for each letter in your name. It is fun to see the different energy that is created when you do your birth name and a name change. For instance, my HD went from an 8 energy to an 11 energy with Gunberg as my last name. I didn’t know this at the time, but I am glad I made the name change because an 11 is, “Visionary who wants to be surrounded by like people” really is my Heart’s Desire.

Here is the conversion chart:

Numerology Chart from "Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness" by Tricia Gunberg

Numerology Chart from "Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness" by Tricia Gunberg

After adding up all the vowels in your name look below for a brief description based on that number. For more information on your HD, my book “Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness” has the word list for each number 1-9, starting on page 8 (Amazon eBook for only $3.99, click here). You can also book a reading with me. and get insight to all 23 numbers in your chart.


1 wants to be a leader and is ambitious

2 craves love and understanding, prefers to follow and partnerships

Heart's Desire Numerology by Tricia Gunberg

Heart's Desire Numerology by Tricia Gunberg

3 loves an audience, many friends and to be surrounded by beauty

4 needs structure, order and rules, wants to work to help others

5 must have variety, personal freedom, and new opportunities

6 desires to create harmony and family, to right all wrongs

7 wants to dream and meditate, upset by noise, menial work, physical discomfort and confusion

8 big business, getting things done

9 requires knowledge, wants to teach, counsel and serve humanity

Doing what we love is so very important. Especially if we are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or anxious. Love is like Jello, there is always room! May you be blessed with more of your Heart's Desire.

Now for a channeled message regarding your hearts desire:
 "It is true, now more than ever, is a potent time. Do you feel it is not acceptable to ask for your true hearts desire? Do you feel disappointed when you ask and do not receive? We have seen you struggle with this aspect. We see you asking, we see you searching, but we do not see you feeling. Feeling is the key. You must first get to the feeling. Does this require you to put yourself in a situation where you feel joy then replay it in your mind? Then that is what you must do. Will music take you to that place? Will a hot bath or a favorite meal? What activities do you enjoy? You MUST enjoy them then -it is here, in joy, that you will remember. It is here you will be able to repeat it and more will come to you." 

Love and Light,


Do you have a 3 in your Life Path? Are you Creatively Living Your Light?

#ThrowBackThursday. I dedicate this to a beautiful young 13/4 who I met recently. When I told her what my business was about she said,  "You are following your dreams, you are so brave, more people need to do that." Did I mention she is only 18! I stood there wishing I had her wisdom at age 18! No matter, I am here now and I still have something to offer her. Here is a bit on the important #3 energy. (Thank you Amelia for your encouragment!)

If you have a 3 in your life path, this is an important question for you to ponder. (Add all the digits of your birth date, if the double digit has a 3 or if they add to a 3, I am talking to you!)

We are here in human form, why do you think that is? Your hands can make things, your mind can create something that does not exists, this is not an accident. What do you want to make? What have you been burning to bring forth? Stop procrastinating and start telling yourself:


#1 I have everything I need

#2 I love to create

#3 I am creative

#4 My life allows and requires me to be creative.

End of sentience, now get to it.

Love and Light,


SYNCHRONICITY, Synchronicity, synchronicity, ......


Confused about this months message, I went to look for more information on signs, symbols and basically synchronicity. I know synchronicity is at work in my life and I need reminders of my intuitive abilities at times. I turned to Mindful Living Spiritual Awakening podcast to get some perspective from Dr. Marijo Puelo. She calms me and makes me feel 'normal' or makes my weirdness acceptable. I love to quote her: "When you change on the inside, everything on the outside changes." 

You'll never guess the name of her show this week. Yep, synchronicity. I am halfway through the show feeling better and now going to mention her show in my post because she describes synchronicity so eloquently, other people need to hear it. Marijo mentions Doreen Virtue and another doctor. She has a third example of synchronicity. You're not going to believe this...... Her third example of synchronicity is a Numerology reading she had done by.........

..........go to the the podcast to find out who her 3rd example is

I glance down to rewind, tears in my eyes from the gratitude and the timing, I rewind and see the minute mark so I can tell others where to look....44:44, or just a bit after. Did I mention this happened today- 4/4 and she mentioned Doreen Virtue who uses 444?

Blowing synchronicity out of the water. Please listen to her show if you have intuitive abilities or your science mind is on the fence with all of it.

Love and Light,


June and the Energy of the number six: love, perfection and luxury


Numerology of June, The Energy Garden

Numerology of June, The Energy Garden

What can the number 6 teach us this June?

 June, the 6th month reminds us about love.

The number 6 is about unconditional love specifically. If you are a 6 Life Path, unconditional love is your Super Power.

Think about that.

Unconditional love.

What does it mean to you?

Think about the statement, “There is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you.”

How would that feel if someone said that to you? Doesn't the word unconditional feel like there are no conditions in which the love will stop coming.

I like that idea.

It feels very uplifting to me, very freeing, very much like I can’t make a mistake.

 Another aspect of the number 6 is PERFECTION, which feels like the opposite of unconditional love.  All the digit of my first name add to a 6. (See charts below to see if you have a 6 somewhere.) On a good day, this means I am oozing with love for everyone and everything. On a ‘not so good’ day, my idea of perfection makes me so nuts I get on my own nerves and there is no love for anybody. It will stop me from posting a blog page or sharing something I created, or expressing my feelings. Often, I need to tell myself, “It’s good enough.” or “Everything is as it needs to be.” My husband has a saying, “It’s good enough for the girls I go with.” I like this because, who wants to be around someone that thinks nothing is good enough?

Numerology of the number 6, The Energy Garden

Numerology of the number 6, The Energy Garden

Do you have an expectation of love or define some aspects of it as perfect? I often wonder about my drive to be perfect and think part of my motivation could be an erroneous belief.  I believe I need to be perfect in order to receive love. If I fail, or don’t get it right, I will disappoint people and they will not like me or love me.

Can you suspend your idea of love for a few moments? First, consider how others show you they love you. For example, moms and grandmas are notorious for showing their love with food. When you say ‘no thank-you’ to their offerings in order to honor yourself (you’re not hungry or you’d prefer to eat something else) this may come across as rejecting their love. PDA’s are another example. Some people are really offended when they see/receive affection in public. For other’s, nothing says “I love you” like getting fondled in front of strangers.

Does is mean that grandmas and 'perverts' show their love wrong?

It’s not for me, or you to decide, unless you are on the giving or receiving side of either of those scenarios and it's not working for you…….    

Secondly, do you show yourself love?  Separate your mind from your body or look at yourself as an observer.  What does love feel like to you? How do you like to experience love? How do you show yourself love? I ask this important question because of how often I am shown this in others while doing readings. People claim they love themselves, “Well of course I love myself”, as if I am asking them a silly question. When I suggest they spend time alone each day or take up a creative outlet they say, “I don’t have time for that.” In the same breath they will also sigh and say, “I wish.” I see this over and over.  As if self-sacrifice is going to get them to heaven and the drudgery they call life needs to be tolerated and not enjoyed.

Another thing about the number 6 is, it carries the energy of luxury. Do you put off doing something for yourself because you think it is a luxury? Either time or money can feel like a limiting factor. What is luxury to you? A massage? Pedicure? Golf?  A good book? A nap? Time alone?     

How much luxury do you allow? Do you seek it out? Do you provide it for yourself? And, if you’re not providing it for yourself in some way, how can you expect others or the Universe to know what you want and how you want it?

You can further investigate by doing a Body/Mind check:

According to Louise Hay and numerous intuitive readings I have done, the feet represent the understanding of ourselves, of life and others. The ankles represent inflexibility and guilt as well as the ability to receive pleasure. If you have issues with either of these body parts consider the message your body is sending you. 

Another body/mind connection from her book, Heal Your Body, relates heartburn to fear. Since all emotions are either love or fear, it seems obvious to me that heartburn is the heart actually burning for more love.

I often find my body/mind connections on the mat. As synchronicity would have it, I stopped half way through this post to go to yoga. The message at yoga: “Enjoy the process, do not be hung up on the goal.” I chuckled at this as I know this is a sticking point for me with my work (note my 6 energy of my name is about how I behave at work). The message wasn’t completely clear for me, I soon discovered.  Half way through class I was experiencing some knee pain. The teacher sensed something was wrong and asked me what was going on. I thought for a few minutes. “I think I am trying too hard.” I was completely aware in an instant that my mind was on getting my legs in the ‘correct’ position….being perfect!...I was not enjoying the yummy stretch nor appreciating my own improvements. I backed off on the next attempts and the pain disappeared.   

Love, unconditional or not is so much of our human existence. Are you getting enough of the kind you want? Are you allowing luxurious moments and enjoying the process of things? If not, no worries, you can make the change.

Here are some ideas from my book. This is health and wellness advice for Life Path 2 but, good for anyone with a 2 and all around good advice for everyone.

               This is page 35 of Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness, Tricia Gunberg

               This is page 35 of Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness, Tricia Gunberg

Here are some areas where the number 6 can be in your chart, using your DOB or your name.

Birthday – In this example the 6 is present in 3 digit Life Path

Numerology for July, 4 1959 DOB The Energy Garden

Numerology for July, 4 1959 DOB The Energy Garden


In this example the 6 is the Life Path

              Numerology for DOB July 1, 1951 The Energy Garden

              Numerology for DOB July 1, 1951 The Energy Garden

For a full interpretation of your numerology, book a session with me. You can also get journaling prompts from my book, “Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness” or order one of my journaling products.

Use this chart to calculate the numerology of your name.  Chose the correct number for each letter then add them.

T  R  I  C  I  A  is  2+9+9+3+9+1=33,  3+3=6

I use Numerology for Healing by Michael Brill to interpret the meaning of name numerology. I have included some here.

Assigning numbers to letters to get the energy of any word.  The Energy Garden

Assigning numbers to letters to get the energy of any word.  The Energy Garden

(Italicizes text from Numerology for Healing by Michael Brill)

First name:
·         physical self
·         health
·         finances
·         professional relationships
·         how you behave at work
Consciously working with this energy can open the doorway to your soul’s purpose.
Middle Name:
·         emotional self
·         how you behave in relationships
·         what you seek in a partner
Last Name:
·         relationship with your birth or adopted family
·         lessons you learn from each other
·         a guide for your spiritual direction
Full Name:

Represents ‘the face the world sees’ and the type of work preferred.

For a full Numerology interpretation email (the energy garden at outlook dot com) to book a session with me. You can also get journaling prompts from my book, “Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness” or order one of my journaling products.

Love and Light of the Unconditional kind,


Section on name numerology from Numerology for Healing was reprinted with permission.
